Wednesday 3 August 2011

Okay I pledge to write more blog posts

Well I am not sure if its life or laziness that sees me neglect this blog....a bit of both I think. But I am pledging to keep up and build up this blog so that its interesting and people actually want to read it.

So a quick update, School is is full swing, after our winter break and the kids seem to be enjoying it. Miss K seems to be enjoying high school but has had a few issues with bullying ughhhh.

Miss B is now 6 month old.......where did that time go?, she continues to be a delightful easy baby with so much joy to share.

I am off to the USA for 2 weeks at the end of the month.......its a belated 40th birthday present from my precious husband and I can't wait. I will be blogging my 2 weeks away as I will have my Laptop with me and I thought it would be interesting since I will have Bella with me along with one of my BFF's here Sara and her precious little bundle of Joy Miss K who is 8 months old. Miss K has her own amazing story which I will blog about along the way........
We are staying with another one of my BFF's Joanne and her amazing family in San Francisco and we CAN'T wait to enjoy the time away from the normality of everyday life. We will miss our families so much but we can't wait for this adventure either.
I've been thinking about Blog topics.....if there is anything you would like to see me write about just let me know. Here is what I am thinking about as future topics.
Life as a mumma to many
Living with a Chronically ill child
How parenting a child with CHD has changed my world view.
Breastfeeding after infertility
Why Breastfeeding is Normal not best.
Feeding in Public ~ why do you have a problem with it.
Being a teachers wife
Foster parenting ~ why I would not recommend it
Is removing 'abused' children from their parents really the way to go!
Why I am not organised!
Travelling with babies, toddlers, children and Teens
Camping with a large family
Life in a normal Neighbourhood when your not normal!
and posts of things I follow, people I support and random things that interest me or bother me.

Hugs Nicki

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Some things I have learnt!

So I wanted to share with you all some things I’ve learnt since Princess was born 3 months ago.
For those that don’t know Princess is my first birth baby since the birth of Master 16 who was born 16 years ago, so I kinda feel like a newbie Mumma in some respects.  Mr T and I have fostered many newborns in the last 14 years but fostering other people’s babies is not like having your own and our adopted miracles came to us as older babies. 
So back to what I have learnt..........
I’ve learnt that labour and birth can be amazing, its intense, but it’s not scary or horrifying and I wouldn’t even call it painful.......yes there is intense overwhelming feelings but to call that pain seems to lessen the enormity of Labour and birth, since the word ‘pain’ has such a negative connotations . My first and only other birth was what could only be called traumatic but I learned after his birth in a over medicalised hospital with a typical medical model minded Obstetrician, who I allowed to induce me prior to due date and use forceps with no reason, that there is another way for babies to come into this world.........that is what I refer to now as Gentle birth, or instinctive birthing free from over monitoring and medications that inhibit both the babies journey and the mothers experiences in her labour, I also believe strongly that they interfere with Bonding and affect your relationship with your baby for days, weeks and years after the actual birth.(disclaimer, I know that many babies and Mumma’s are alive today because of medicalised birth, but NOT every pregnant women is a emergency waiting to happen and they SHOULDN’T be treated as such and I STRONGLY believe that women should be treated as low risk with low interventions until a medical reason suggest otherwise)
I have learnt that the type of Birth and how a baby comes into this world not only matters to the baby but also to the mother and how she then feels about her baby and birthing experience and ultimately herself.
I’ve learnt that breastfeeding is hard but worth every crack, graze and engorged breast that comes your way.
I’ve learnt to slow down, to sit and to enjoy breastfeeding my baby before she is off running and not wanting my constant warmth and nurturing.
I’ve learnt that I do not know everything about caring for a baby ;o)
I’ve learnt that I am now considered a alternative parent, because my Husband and I have questioned common and “normal” practises with our Child like immunisations, well checks and regular weight checks and because we co sleep, wear our baby in a sling as often as we can and because we don’t really like the idea of Daycare or even regular schooling (even though my husband is a teacher).
I’ve learnt that breastfed babies do not live to your schedule, actually I’ve learnt to forget any schedule you did have and go with the babies ;o)
And I’ve learnt that each and every baby that comes into your life no matter how that happens brings intense and overwhelming love with them that rocks your world and turns it upside down (in a good way of course).
And most of all I have been reminded (learnt) what an amazing miracle it is to give birth and to have the privilege of being a parent.

Friday 22 April 2011

A New Name and A New Look

Well after trying for weeks to recover my old Blog ( in the old blogger system I gave up and decided it was time for a Name change and a new look. So here we are “it’s Organised Chaos” has been born.
It’s a new start, and fresh Start filled with lots of ideas and a new enthusiasm!
I have lots to fill you in on, When I last posted over and Mumma to Many I was still pregnant with our little Miracle baby(14 years in the making), WELL Drum Roll..........She is here, she is amazing, she is Beautiful and I am totally and utterly in love.

Introducing Miss Isabella Arianna, Born on the 28th of January weighing in at a respectable 8pounds and 6 ounces. She was born after a fairly short labour (compared to my first) of about 5 hours once contractions started. I will post her birth story shortly.
So we have kinda been a bit busy this last 3 months getting to know Isabella, Getting into a new groove, Getting the school year going, IEP's, Therapy appointments, and all the usual appointments that go along with this family. Miss Bella as we are calling her is perfect, no she reall is a perfect LOL just such a happy and content baby and I will share my theories on that in later posts.
I am really hoping to be able to share more about my day to day life with 7 children, along with more about what I believe, my parenting style, Our life as fostercarers, Adoptive parents, what I wish our world looked like, how I manage this life, my trials and my joys.....I want it to be real and sometimes that will not be joyful but bare with me life is a journey and mine is no different...
So I hope you are along for the journey that is life here with my complicated bunch of Munchkins
Hugs and Joy to you all