Friday 22 April 2011

A New Name and A New Look

Well after trying for weeks to recover my old Blog ( in the old blogger system I gave up and decided it was time for a Name change and a new look. So here we are “it’s Organised Chaos” has been born.
It’s a new start, and fresh Start filled with lots of ideas and a new enthusiasm!
I have lots to fill you in on, When I last posted over and Mumma to Many I was still pregnant with our little Miracle baby(14 years in the making), WELL Drum Roll..........She is here, she is amazing, she is Beautiful and I am totally and utterly in love.

Introducing Miss Isabella Arianna, Born on the 28th of January weighing in at a respectable 8pounds and 6 ounces. She was born after a fairly short labour (compared to my first) of about 5 hours once contractions started. I will post her birth story shortly.
So we have kinda been a bit busy this last 3 months getting to know Isabella, Getting into a new groove, Getting the school year going, IEP's, Therapy appointments, and all the usual appointments that go along with this family. Miss Bella as we are calling her is perfect, no she reall is a perfect LOL just such a happy and content baby and I will share my theories on that in later posts.
I am really hoping to be able to share more about my day to day life with 7 children, along with more about what I believe, my parenting style, Our life as fostercarers, Adoptive parents, what I wish our world looked like, how I manage this life, my trials and my joys.....I want it to be real and sometimes that will not be joyful but bare with me life is a journey and mine is no different...
So I hope you are along for the journey that is life here with my complicated bunch of Munchkins
Hugs and Joy to you all

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